Switching careers in Canada

Many Canadian immigrants have had to switch careers for many reasons, whether temporarily or permanently. While some do this by choice, others transition out of necessity. In this post, I share the experiences of three immigrants in their career transitioning journey and the key learnings from these experiences to motivate other immigrants who are currently on this journey. Cheers to growth!

Job search in Canada

Job search in Canada can be arduous especially for new immigrants who are still trying to settle down. In this post I share some of the steps that helped me get my dream job 3 months after landing and also a tip sheet I believe everyone currently job hunting will find helpful.

Canadian Express Entry (EE) Success Story

When the long wait for passport request (PPR) teaches a Canadian PR applicant lessons in patience.

Double blessings from EE Process

The success story of a reader who wants to remain anonymous. May 29, 2019, IRCC issued ITA to 3,350 candidates…